
Our purposeful enrichment is designed to excite and engage our students by applying new skills outside of the academic curriculum. We hope that they can find something they love to participate in. There is no need to book or sign up to any club and they are all free of charge!

What’s on this year?

  • Please note that Tuesday’s are our Professional Development nights and therefore no clubs will be running

How will my child get home?

The study busses will run at 3:30pm to help support with transportation – an overview of the routes can be found here:

What is enrichment? 

Although formal lessons end at 2.30pm, the Academy day does not. Students are able to choose from a wide variety of after-school enrichment activities and clubs, both academic and non-academic. Sessions are typically 2.30 – 3.20pm. Please note that we offer a study bus which will help support students who may find it difficult to attend enrichment activities due to transportation issues. 

Why attend enrichment? 

At Darton, we know that beyond the classroom, learning experiences are vitally important.  To enable each student to engage in a wider society, it is crucial that, we as an academy, provide various opportunities for our students thrive.  

We expect all studnts in the academy to partake in our enrichment offer.  Our extra-curricular activity programme offers a wide variety of activities for all students to get involved, from art clubs, sporting clubs, reading and many more!  We provide ample opportunities for students to be active during the school day and through extra-curricular clubs.  

Our Sport clubs provide an opportunity for students to learn skills that will help them in school, as well as in their future careers and personal relationships. Through engagement in sport, students learn leadership skills,  learn to be part of a team, problem-solving skills, self-discipline, and a sense of initiative.  Not to forget keeping physically healthy and fit!  Encourage your child to join at least one sporting club once they start up again!

Attendance at these activities is celebrated through our Pledge and reward system.

What happens if an enrichment has to be cancelled? 

Occasionally enrichment sessions may need to be cancelled, such as when there is bad weather or staff illness. Your child will be made aware of this at the first opportunity so they can plan their journey home.

If you have any questions about our enrichment programme, please do not hesitate to contact info@dartonacademy.org.uk