Healthy Minds, Healthy Bodies, Healthy Realtionships

On this page, you can find some really useful information to help support the wellbeing of your children. Throughout the academic year, we always strive to provide our students with the most up to date education on keeping themselves happy, safe and healthy. If you have any concerns about the wellbeing of your child, please email

Healthy Minds

To support the mental health of our students, we have teamed up with the NHS’ mental health provider for young people, Kooth. Kooth provides free, safe and anonymous online support and counselling by trained experts. More information can be found in the letter below.

As well as the specialist support we can offer within the academy, we also work closely with Barnsley Targeted Youth Support who run drop in sessions on a Monday and Thursday after school, as well as during lunch times on Thursday.

Healthy Bodies

We are determined to educate all of young people here at Darton Academy so that they can make informed decisions about living a healthy lifestyle. Through our EPC curriculum and Food Technology lessons, students are given the resources to help support their understanding of what it means to maintain their physical health. This includes information on the dangers of substance misuse and vaping, which you can find out more information on by clicking on the links below.

We are also excited to be a specialist provider for the government backed initiative, Biteback 2030. The aim of this programme is to educate young people on how easily we can be fooled by advertising that targets young people and encourages them to make choices that are conflicting with research about what it means to live a healthy lifestyle. More information can be found below.

Healthy Relationships

We work closely with the local authorities expert organisations to provide students with the support they need to understand the importance of strong, healthy and safe relationships. More information on the services available to young people can be found below.

School Policies

To support all aspects of our student’s mental, physical and social wellbeing, we have policies within the academy and across the trust which detail how we will care for our students whilst on our site.