Personal Development

We recognise that the curriculum extends beyond the academic, technical or vocational. We recognise that the curriculum is the entirety of learning opportunities offered to pupils both inside and outside the classroom. We aim to provide our pupils with a broad range of opportunities to enable them to develop their individual talents and broader character. We aim to develop students as active global pupils with the skills, abilities and attributes to contribute positively to their communities. We aim to remove barriers to participation to ensure an equity of offer for all pupils.

Personal Development Overview

“Leaders place students’ personal development at the centre of their intent for the school. They integrate this within all aspects of staff’s work”. Ofsted 2023

Personal development at Darton was judged to be outstanding in our February 2023 Ofsted inspection.


Each week, pupils follow a sequenced plan to help foster their personal development.  For example, in the Autumn term we begin by exploring issues around bullying. Each day students cover a range of activities: Word of the Week; the Big Read; a 20 minute Ethics, Philosophy and Citizenship lesson and a session called ‘Future Friday’ (which are lessons focused around making pupils more aware of careers and their future choices) along with an assembly for each year group.  Each of the daily activities compliment one another and unite under the learning theme for the week.

Personal Development Calendar

Each half-term, we follow our personal development calendar that is bespoke to our students and our context. Each week, we focus on a topic that is poignant to the lives of our young people and that educates them on the world around them. Through assemblies and form time, we ensure that our students understand the Fundamental British Values of tolerance and mutual respect, the rule of law, individual liberty and democracy. Our aim is to support students in becoming responsible, respectful and resilient citizens who are able to play their part and become actively involved in public life. Our calendar is flexible and will often change to match the context of what is happening in the school, the community and around the world. Take a look at the example below to see what our calendar looks like.