Attendance and Punctuality expectations
Darton Academy believes that excellent attendance and punctuality is the key for our Darton Learner’s Success. It is the foundation upon which the academy and home can work together. Therefore we must ensure that attendance and punctuality are the highest they possibly can be in order to prepare our students for their future adult life. We request from parents support in order to keep absenteeism and lateness to an absolute minimum.
At Darton Academy we strive for every student to attain 100% attendance. From September 2016, in line with the Government and Local Authority Guidelines, we expect all our students to achieve a minimum of 97% attendance.
All Students are expected to arrive on time at the Academy, ready for lessons. Students should arrive before 8.20am in order for them to be punctual to their first lesson which begins at 8.25am. Any student who arrives in after 8.20 am will need to sign in at student reception and will be marked as late and may receive a C4 Late detention.
Please see the pdf document below for further information regarding student attendance/absence.
Please find below the Leave of Absence Request Form