Statutory Governance and Policy
Performance Tables
Context Information
To apply for a place at Darton Academy
For Standard admissions at the point of secondary transfer:
Details are available in the Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council booklet ‘Admission to secondary school – a guide for Parents’ and online by clicking here
If your child is currently in a primary school in the Barnsley area there are two ways to apply:
Complete the application form and return it to the Headteacher of your child’s primary school.
Apply online by logging on to the Barnsley Authority website (as per link above) and follow the instructions.
Darton Academy provides places for students between the age of 11-16 and our arrangements for selection and the over-subscription criteria are handled by the Local Authority
If you live outside the Barnsley Authority or would like to transfer your child into a year group other than Year 7, or at a time other than at the standard secondary transfer point (within year transfers), please contact Barnsley Metropolitan Borough Council’s Admission Department (01226 773677) to obtain the appropriate application form.
Behaviour and Exclusions
Ofsted Reports
Exam and Assessment Results
Pupil Premium
Special Education Needs and Disabilities
Equality Objectives
Financial and legal information
Data Protection
Academy Advisory Body Information
Charging and Remissions
Values and Ethos
Child Protection and Safeguarding
Careers Education, Information, Advice & Guidance and Provider Access
Recruitment & New Starter Information
Delta Academies Trust Governance & Policies
Further governance documents and policies, including the complaints policy can be found on the Trust’s website here: